Recent Articles

China: Enter the Dragon

, Richard Thornburgh

October’s East Asian Summit, held in Hanoi, Vietnam, offered hope of a peaceful integration of the rising Chinese hegemony into Southeast Asia’s governing community.

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Striking Oil

, Richard Thornburgh

Taxing the oil industry and refusing access to important U.S. shale reserves would drive up both the Federal government’s debt and the U.S. unemployment rate, according to Kyle Isakower of the American Petroleum Institute.

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Another Cold War

, Malcolm A. Kline

“If Republicans are to remain true to the verdict of 2010, the message of this election cannot be merely containment; it must be rollback.”— University of Virginia professor of politics James W. Ceaser in the Fall 2010 Claremont Review of Books.

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California DREAMers

, Malcolm A. Kline

Administrators at California State University’s Fresno campus may have been so anxious to pass the federal DREAM Act that they did not question the legality of the actions of the Student Body president promoting it, a self-described student activist claimed.

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Recent Articles

Power Poses Shortcircuited

, Malcolm A. Kline

Some theories are so stupid that you can tell at the outset that elites will embrace them: Amy Cuddy’s thesis of “power poses” is one of these. Launched in an academic paper in 2010, the…

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