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A Woman Worth Studying

, Malcolm A. Kline

A pair of Harvard professors are resurrecting the work of an African-American writer so politically incorrect that she was virtually bypassed in the rush to inaugurate variations of black studies programs—Harlem Renaissance writer Zora Neale Hurston.

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Tree Of Life Pruned

, Alliance Defense Fund

Alliance Defense Fund attorneys filed a federal lawsuit Tuesday on behalf of Tree of Life Christian Schools against the city of Upper Arlington after it refused to grant the school a permit to use its own new building.

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Hugo Chavez & The AAUP

, Malcolm A. Kline

It turns out that Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez could have had a much closer relationship with the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) if the former head of the AAUP had his druthers.

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Feds Fatten College Budgets

, Malcolm A. Kline

College administrators continually cry poor, particularly to reporters and congressional representatives, but the federal government lays more largesse on them than most of us have seen.

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