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Star on Steele

, Malcolm A. Kline

“If some of the logic in Steele’s selection two years ago was that a black chairman would expand Republican Party appeal to minority voters, there’s scant evidence that this was accomplished.”—syndicated columnist Star Parker on Michael Steel, current chairman of the RNC.

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Post-Secondary Discrimination

, Cliff Kincaid

In effect, the paper’s subsidiary has been getting students deep in federal debt for courses that produce very few good jobs.  Now we find out that Kaplan has allegedly been discriminating against minorities in the process.

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Recent Articles

U.C. Berkeley Burns Free Speech

, Don Irvine

Controversial Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos got an up-close view of the intolerance of the left when it comes to speech it doesn’t agree with. This occurred when a speech he was to give at U.C. Berkeley was canceled…

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