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Academia Welcomes Rainbow ROTC

, Malcolm A. Kline

Now that the President is poised to sign the repeal of the ban on homosexuals serving in the U. S. military, academics are prepared to welcome the armed forces they have banned from their campuses with open arms, at least metaphorically.

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Post-Secondary Education

, Cliff Kincaid

Is the Washington Post’s for-profit educational subsidiary not only carrying the loss-amassing institution but also aggressively recruiting veterans with hype and glory?

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Night of the Living RINOs

, Malcolm A. Kline

“At least Nixon didn’t spend his retirement advising his party to have more Watergate scandals.” W. James Antle III, in The American Conservative, on the re-emergence of former President George W. Bush.

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Looking For The Silver Lining

, Thomas Ciesielka

On Monday, November 29, 2010, the Illinois Supreme Court decided not to hear Professor Thomas Klocek’s appeal, bringing an end to his five-year suit against DePaul University for destroying his reputation.

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, Deborah Lambert

A national debate is growing over the importance of a college degree, and how much it helps graduates to live a better life.

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