Recent Articles

Woke Literature Infects Public Schools

, Richard Cravatts

Each year, public school libraries face angry parents and school boards upset with the presence of reading materials they find objectionable. These attacks on specific books have included classics such as often-banned Adventures of Huckleberry…

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Fauci: America’s unelected dictator

, Spencer Irvine

Unfortunately for college students, their college administrations have chosen to follow the oft-wrong public health advice of Dr. Anthony Fauci. Although much of his advice has been proven wrong and he himself has flip-flopped on…

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Recent Articles

Woke Literature Infects Public Schools

, Richard Cravatts

Each year, public school libraries face angry parents and school boards upset with the presence of reading materials they find objectionable. These attacks on specific books have included classics such as often-banned Adventures of Huckleberry…

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Fauci: America’s unelected dictator

, Spencer Irvine

Unfortunately for college students, their college administrations have chosen to follow the oft-wrong public health advice of Dr. Anthony Fauci. Although much of his advice has been proven wrong and he himself has flip-flopped on…

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