Recent Articles

Not Taxed Enough Already?

, Malcolm A. Kline

A key dividing line between those within the Ivory Tower and those without might be on the issue of taxes: Academics like them while the rest of us clearly don’t.

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Saving Social Security, Again

, Malcolm A. Kline

When trying to convince dubious students of the benefits of social security when they are all too familiar with the costs, professors might well ask the question: “Who are you going to believe, me or your paycheck?”

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The Other Forgotten Man

, Accuracy in Academia

Read how academics overlook a formative influence on their favorite president in the latest issue of Accuracy in Academia’s monthly Campus Report newsletter.

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Recent Articles

Memo: College Football Players are Employees

, Spencer Irvine

From Campus Reform: The National Labor Relations Board’s general counsel said this week that football players at private universities are employees, and should be protected against “unfair labor practices.” Inside Higher Ed reports that Richard…

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