Recent Articles

Ballad Of Bernardine

, Amanda Winkler

Northwestern University Professor and veteran 60s protestor Bernadine Dohrn supported Obama’s presidency, however, her vocal support may not be something that he wants right now especially after last Tuesday’s “shellacking.”

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Bibles Set Free

, Liberty Counsel

Fort Myers, FL – A federal judge has entered a Consent Decree that overturns the decision of the Collier County School Board, which banned voluntary distribution of Bibles to high school students on Religious Freedom Day.

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Teaching Jihad

, Amanda Winkler

Primary sources, such as statements by al Qaeda leaders, are useful in teaching students the discourse by jihadists and the arguments they use, a Haverford College scholar says.

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UN’s Kinsey Report

, Malcolm A. Kline

Parents who wonder how much more aggressive sex education can get should be concerned about guidelines which the United Nations is concocting, inspired by Alfred Kinsey.

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The Ivory Sanctuary

, Malcolm A. Kline

“For, unlike the ordinary entrepreneur who risks everything on the success of his or her venture, the academic can merely return to the well-salaried security of the classroom upon the failure of an endeavor.”— Jay Schalin of The Pope Center

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New Deal Unmasked

, Amanda Winkler

Drawing striking similarities between the current financial situation and that of the 1930s, Amity Shlaes gave a lecture at Hillsdale College in February 2010 detailing forgotten yet important lessons to be learned from the Great Depression.

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Unmasking the Progressives

, Amanda Winkler

The public policy group, America’s Survival Inc. (ASI) held a national conference entitled, “Unmasking the Progressives” on Oct. 21 in Washington DC. The event was held at the National Press Club and its main goal was to provide the public with information and evidence about the spread of Marxism in America.

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Attitude Adjustment

, Accuracy in Academia

Learn what education professors are teaching teachers in the latest issue of Accuracy in Academia’s monthly Campus Report newsletter.

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Recent Articles

“Hamilton” at the MLA

, Spencer Irvine

“Hamilton,” a popular Broadway hip-hop musical, has now made it into the Modern Language Association consciousness. At the 2017 convention held in Philadelphia, one professor dissected the significance of the musical for minorities in America….

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