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Modern-Day Voltaires

, Malcolm A. Kline

“The Tea Party Movement, otherwise known as the Great Peasant Revolt of 2010, has been greeted by the country’s ruling class with all the sympathy that Voltaire expressed toward the Catholic Church: ‘Kill the infamous thing!’”— Dr. Marvin Folkertsma, political science professor, Grove City College.

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Christians Have Talent Too

, Liberty Counsel

Chicago, IL – Liberty Counsel warned the Itasca Public School District that it cannot censor two students, Christiana and Gloryanne Gatbunton, who wanted to sing portions of the song “Call on Jesus” in the talent show at the Elmer H. Franzen Intermediate School just outside of Chicago.

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Recent Articles

Most Millennials Favor School Choice

, Spencer Irvine

From School Reform News: The authors of the EdChoice “2016 Schooling in America” report included an expanded sampling of millennials, those born between 1981 and 1997, “in an effort to better understand where this generation of…

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Women’s Marchers, Unite!

, Paul Kengor

Editor’s Note: This article originally appeared at the American Spectator. “The most important task,” said communist dictator Kim Il Sung in October 1971, in his address to the Democratic Women’s Union of North Korea, “is…

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