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We Read The Constitution

, Malcolm A. Kline

This weekend the U. S. Constitution might be read more frequently in the United States than it has been in American public schools in the past half century.

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When Bailouts Bottom Out

, James F. Davis

Liberals seem not to know that it was government regulations that pressured the banks to make the risky sub-prime loans that led to the depression our nation finds itself in.

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The Uses of “Hate”

, Joe Sobran

Needless to say, it’s very common these days to
respond to an argument by addressing not the point the
writer is making, but his supposed feelings about the

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Islands in the Stream

, Malcolm A. Kline

“Even Obama refuses to endorse it and back up the California federal court, and now appears suddenly hesitant to impose the values of Fire Island on Parris Island.”—columnist Pat Buchanan on same-sex marriage.

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Academic Rights Bill Wronged

, Malcolm A. Kline

One would think that with the evidence of academic bias stacking up more overwhelmingly by the decade that the higher education establishment would welcome any attempt to introduce a bit of intellectual diversity to their campuses, especially since they claim to be committed to same.

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