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GOP Poised for 2010

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The chair of the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), Congressman Pete Sessions (R-Texas), has called for Republicans to embrace new campaign tactics if they hope to win the 2010 Congressional elections.

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The Acquitted Elite

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He once rubbed elbows with cop-killing terrorists. But on Tuesday Barack Obama was surrounded by representatives of the National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO) as he honored 33 U.S. law enforcement officers, including some who had risked their lives to capture terrorists.

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The Glory of Padre Pio

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One of the most famous and astounding saints
of the twentieth century, Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, was born Francesco Forgione
in 1887 to a destitute but pious couple in southern Italy.  He was named in
honor of St. Francis of Assisi and even as a small boy wanted to become a
Franciscan friar.

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Return of the Ayerhead

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n FBI document about the Weather Underground, which was hyperlinked in the column, was changed by the FBI to delete a reference to the terrorist group. The “Ayer Head” Professor, Dan Kennedy of Northeastern University in Boston, admits he is the one who prompted the FBI to make the curious change.

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