Recent Articles

Shariah On The Move

, Malcolm A. Kline

The Constitution might be sliding down a memory hold in most classrooms, even as it makes a comeback outside of them, but from coast to coast, Shariah law is on the rise, at least in public schools.

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, Malcolm A. Kline

Accuracy in Academia is featuring Allie Duzett, the author of How To Save America: A Tactical Guide For Practical Patriots, at its Constitution Day author’s night.

September 16, 2010

6-8 PM

Armand’s on Capitol Hill

226 Massachusetts Ave., NE

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Recent Articles

MLA Comedy Stylebook Not Funny

, Malcolm A. Kline

Here’s the problem with the English professors at the Modern Language Association (MLA) attempting to define humor: They’re not funny, at least intentionally. “Theories of life-writing do not work in stand –up comedy,” Dale Tracy…

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Civil Rights History, Queered

, Malcolm A. Kline

Occasionally, professors at the Modern Language Association (MLA) have good points to make. Unfortunately, they soon get buried in the MLA’s favorite themes and concepts. “Chicago remains one of the most deeply segregated cities in…

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