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Green Grads in Maryland

, Deborah Lambert

In a coordinated move by state and Federal officials and advocacy non-profits, Maryland may soon hold preeminent status as the most environmentally friendly state in the nation.

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Washington Post Education Scandal

, Cliff Kincaid

Consider the situation: the Post, a long-time mouthpiece for the liberal wing of the Democratic Party—a paper that endorsed Obama for president—is appealing to conservatives and is under fire by liberal Democrats in the Obama Administration and on Capitol Hill because of the activities of its for-profit educational subsidiary.

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Howard Hurtles Left

, Bryan Bernys completed an in-depth profile of the political climate at Howard University as part of an ongoing project to research the nation’s top 100 universities.

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Brown Paper Book Bag

, Malcolm A. Kline

What used to come in the mail in a brown paper wrapper now pales in comparison to what might show up on a high school student’s assigned reading list.

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Comprehensive Carnal Knowledge

, Malcolm A. Kline

Advocates of abstinence education have long been suspicious of their opposite number who support “comprehensive” sex education. Earlier this summer, teenagers in Shenandoah, Iowa found out just how comprehensively the subject can be covered.

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ABA Accredits Liberty Law

, Liberty Counsel

Lynchburg, VA – Liberty University School of Law was awarded full accreditation approval by the American Bar Association during its annual meeting in San Francisco.

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