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Shall Shariah Reign Supreme?

, Malcolm A. Kline

One of the odd dichotomies in the academic career of Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan is her militant opposition to the U. S. military’s ban on homosexuality and her equally fervent embrace of the Shariah law of the Mideast that proscribes death for homosexuals.

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Onward Catholic Scholars

, Malcolm A. Kline

Truly, the Lord works in strange and mysterious ways. It was both unbelievable and unsurprising at the same time that a Catholic scholar— Dr. Kenneth Howell— was fired from a state  university for teaching the…

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Professor Wins Back Job

, Jeff Field

The University of Illinois says that Catholic professor Ken Howell can return this fall to teach courses on Catholicism.

Jeff Field is the Director of Communications for the Catholic League. This

press release was originally issued on July 29, 2010.

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The Bones Demand Justice

, Malcolm A. Kline

Although independent scholars generally agree that the death toll from communism in the Twentieth Century runs a staggering 100 million, that sad historical milestone has yet to gain widespread acknowledgement in America’s public schools let alone in her universities.

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Primer on Campaign Contributions

, James F. Davis

Recently I learned that 81% of all donations to our Federal elected representatives come from one twelfth of one percent (0.0012) of our voters, principally funneled through lobbyist groups.  Incumbents received 99% of these lobbyist-donated funds in the last election cycle.

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The File on Howard Zinn

, Cliff Kincaid

The prominent “progressive” historian Howard Zinn, whose books are force-fed to young people on many college campuses, was not only a member of the Moscow-controlled and Soviet-funded Communist Party USA (CPUSA) but lied about it, according to an FBI file released on Friday.

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