Recent Articles

Horowitz on Liberals

, Accuracy in Academia

“Conservatives look at leftists and see them as misguided. Liberals look at us and see us as evil.”

—Author and activist David Horowitz at Hillsdale College’s First Fridays, First Principles breakfast on Capitol Hill on July 9, 2010.

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Default U

, Bethany Stotts

Student loan default rates are much higher than government data originally suggest, reports Kelly Field for the Chronicle of Higher Education on July 11.

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Scholars Raise Arizona’s Consciousness

, Ashley Thorne

PRINCETON, NJ (July 16, 2010)—This fall, Arizona voters must choose whether to vote for the Arizona Civil Rights Initiative (AzCRI). The National Association of Scholars (NAS) has submitted an official argument in favor of AzCRI.

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Quotas on Common Sense

, Malcolm A. Kline

After saving the quota over merit system at the University of Michigan, Lee C. Bollinger went on to Columbia University to preserve its traditions. Unfortunately, he’s succeeding.

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Recent Articles

The CIA-Media-Academia Axis

, Cliff Kincaid

As controversy swirled around President-elect Donald J. Trump’s battle with the CIA concerning its questionable intelligence product on Russian hacking, a strong defense of the agency and an attack on Trump came from Joshua Rovner…

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