Recent Articles

History Behind The Scenes

, Malcolm A. Kline

Two events in recent weeks point out the danger of leaving history to the historians. One is the inclusion of Soviet dictator Josef Stalin in a D-Day memorial commemorating an invasion he never took part in. The other is the rating of Stalin ally Franklin D. Roosevelt as America’s greatest president, according to leading academics.

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Another Confirmation Convert

, Bethany Stotts

Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan indicated during her recent Senate confirmation hearings that, if confirmed, she would not give international law “independent precedential weight” in her court rulings.

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Post-Graduate Homeschooling

, Malcolm A. Kline

One of the signs of the increasing popularity of homeschooling is the growing number of Americans who avail themselves of it after graduation. It’s also a sign of the endemic failures of public education today.

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You Bet Your BP

, James F. Davis

It has been 2.5 months since BP’s subcontracted deepwater, floating drilling unit exploded, discharging oil ever since. Public opinion says BP should be punished. And so they have.

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Columbia: Anatomy of Anarchy

, Malcolm A. Kline

For most of the past half century, Columbia University has provided endless fodder for news outlets such as ours. Indeed, as Accuracy in Academia discovered, the campus left has veto power over not just the curriculum but extracurricular activities as well.

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Recent Articles

Delusions of Education Grandeur

, Malcolm A. Kline

Some public officials leave office as far behind the knowledge curve as when they entered it. “One recent analysis found that 95 percent of the jobs created since 2008 required some postsecondary education or training,”…

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Sanctuary Campuses that Enable

, Malcolm A. Kline

While the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) made an attempt at an even-handed approach to the growing “Sanctuary Campus” movement, there is some evidence that there are campuses going well beyond the letter of…

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