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A Minuteman Goes to Harvard

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Each year Harvard Law School hosts the annual Journal on Legislation (JOL) Symposium, and this year they have invited Jim Gilchrist, founder and president of the Minuteman Project, to participate on its panel scheduled for February 26 in Cambridge , MA .

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The Camelot Code

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A new book on the 1960 presidential election is more misleading than informative. Since it is written by the man who served as Barack Obama’s religious advisor in the 2008 campaign for the White House, the misdirection—whether it be the result of superficial research or political intent—does not make for a good omen.

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The Wondering Wanderer

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Members of the Ivory Tower, some of whom remain ardent Marxists themselves, maintain that McCarthyite “hysteria” suppressed free expression in the 1950s and led to the unjustified blacklisting of those with socialist sentiments.

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Red Badge of Courage

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Just as students sporting t-shirts of Che Guevara are often ignorant of his bloody revolutionary record, so too it seems that champions of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade suffer from a peculiar form of “historical amnesia” promoted by academics and activists alike.

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Higher Ed Ka-ching

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The argument that higher education funding stimulates economic growth because more people are getting into the workplace and earning more money, thereby spending more money was kicked on January 14, 2009, at a Cato Institute event.

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