Recent Articles

War On Parents

, Tony Perkins

A tiny town on Cape Cod has taken one thing off its back-to-school list: parental involvement. To the astonishment of most every media outlet in America, the Provincetown school board voted unanimously to pass out condoms to all students—starting with first graders.

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Books Bite the Dust

, Accuracy in Academia

Given the lack of student interest in reading these days, it’s no surprise that the University of California at Berkeley decided to completely change the dynamics of the summer reading list. Read more.

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Self-Esteem Bottoms Out

, Malcolm A. Kline

While everyone from Middle American parents to the U. S. Secretary of Education are expressing a lack of confidence in the ability of ed schools to deliver qualified teachers to public schools, the deans of those institutions have no such angst.

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Critical Thinking Without Knowledge

, Maureen Tabor

I had a student last year who wrote me his life story. When he was a little boy, he knew he could do anything. His parents loved him, he loved life, and when he grew up he knew he wanted to “be a CEO.” Then he got to the University. There he learned that he could not be a CEO because he was “a minority.”

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Slap on Wristband

, Liberty Counsel

Late yesterday, Liberty Counsel filed a complaint in federal court in New Mexico to stop the unconstitutional censorship of a group of students at Roswell High School and Goddard High School called “Relentless in Roswell.”

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“The Lottery”

, Deborah Lambert

A new documentary film called “The Lottery” that takes on the topic of charter schools, is getting cheers and jeers from critics and filmgoers.

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Governing Like Jimmy Carter

, Accuracy in Academia

“Too many Republicans ran like Ronald Reagan but governed like Jimmy Carter.”

—Ken Blackwell at a June 21, 2010 AIA authors’ night explaining the GOP’s recent reversal of electoral fortunes

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Liberty University Summer Seminar

, Liberty Counsel

Liberty University School of Law welcomed the TeenPact Judicial Program for the third consecutive year. TeenPact Judicial is an intense, weeklong program, which instructs highly motivated and intelligent teenage students interested in the study of law.

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Another One Hides Decline

, Marc Morano

Stanford University’s Jon Krosnick has either been distorting climate polling to suit his ideological position for years or he is an utterly incompetent pollster. The solid bet is on the former.

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Recent Articles

Far Left Courses at American Colleges

, Alex Nitzberg

Colleges nationwide offer classes steeped in identity politics and liberalism according to a new Young America’s Foundation (YAF) report that lists liberal college courses. The report is titled, “Comedy & Tragedy: College Course Descriptions and…

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The Death of American Self-Education

, Spencer Irvine

A great read over at The Imaginative Conservative on the struggles of Western civilization and American society to get the right grades and not to learn properly: With very few exceptions, your ticket onto a…

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