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Spreading Wealth of Knowledge Part 2

, Accuracy in Academia

The economic mysteries that many congressmen from both parties cannot comprehend are unravelled by veteran journalist M. Stanton Evans in his author’s night discussion of Accuracy in Academia’s textbook, Voodoo Anyone? How to Understand Economics Without Really Trying, a book he inspired.

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Spreading Wealth of Knowledge Part 3

, Accuracy in Academia

The economic mysteries that many congressmen from both parties cannot comprehend are unravelled by veteran journalist M. Stanton Evans in his author’s night discussion of Accuracy in Academia’s textbook, Voodoo Anyone? How to Understand Economics Without Really Trying, a book he inspired.

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Forecasting the Next Crisis

, Bethany Stotts

Johan Norberg, author of Financial Fiasco, argues that countries worldwide have set themselves up for another, more severe, worldwide financial crisis by holding interest rates artificially low and accruing government debt.

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Free Pizza & The Imperial Presidency

, Accuracy in Academia

Date: June 21 – 6 – 8 PM
Armand’s Capitol Pizzeria
226 Massachusetts Ave, NE
Washington, D.C.

Join former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell and Ken Klukowski, an attorney for the American Civil Rights Union, at the next Accuracy in Academia’s author’s night. They will discuss their book, The Blueprint: Obama’s Plan to Subvert the Constitution and Build an Imperial Presidency. RSVP on Facebook or contact Sarah Schaerr Norton.

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Where the Jobs Aren’t

, James F. Davis

To solve the problem of creating more jobs, one has to understand what motivates and fosters the creation of new jobs and what discourages the creation of new jobs.

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Salary Rheeview

, Bethany Stotts

Michelle Rhee and the Washington Teachers Union have reached a tentative union contract which “will boost the average annual salary of a D.C. educator from $67,000 to about $81,000…,” according to the Washington Post.

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Iran and Human Rights

, Spencer Irvine

AJC: The human rights violations and overall human rights conditions in Iran have greatly deteriorated, guest panelists in the Heritage Foundation forum, “Human Rights Under Attack: Oppression in Iran,” claimed.

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Top Down Failure from Right to Left

, Malcolm A. Kline

Whether attempted by nominally conservative Republicans or genuinely liberal Democrats, efforts to reform public schools from the top down seem to have a higher failure rate than most inner city public schools.

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Under the RADAR

, Bethany Stotts

In public school districts across America, the financial crisis has been followed by calls for school district cutbacks, layoffs and wage freezes amid budget crises.

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