Recent Articles

Multiculturalism Rages Across Europe

, Melissa Barnhart

AJC: The establishment of the European Union, along with the West’s fascination with multiculturalism, has led to the dismantling of native-Europeans’ cultural and religious identities, and has sparked an uprising among European youths—Muslim and non-Muslim alike.

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Evans Law In Action

, Accuracy in Academia

Wesleyan’s freshman orientation program is not at all a program designed to teach students to throw the words “Racist” and “Homophobic” around like candy.

It’s so, so much worse than that.

Mytheos Holt

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Reviving Free Market Economics

, Ben Hogan

AJC: The greatest burst of spending that the federal government ever undertook has, conversely, generated a renewed interest in free market economics in some very surprising quarters. Specifically, the pioneering Austrian school of free market economics is experiencing something of a renaissance.

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What Would Buckley Do?

, Malcolm A. Kline

Two years after his death, William F. Buckley, Jr., the ultimate conservative man of letters, still has a lot to teach the young and the rightward. In turn, there is no better person to pass on these lessons than the man who has become the preeminent historian of the conservative movement—Lee Edwards.

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The Summer Reeducation Program

, Spencer Irvine

AJC: A study conducted by the National Association of Scholars (NAS) analyzed the college reading lists assigned to incoming freshmen, and found some interesting results. The study covered 180 books and 290 college summer reading programs.

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A Primer on Jihad

, Spencer Irvine

AJC: In the May 27 book event at the Heritage Foundation, author Andrew McCarthy explained the purpose in writing his book, The Great Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America.

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Florida First Amendment Update

, Liberty Counsel

Tallahassee, FL—Responding to the gross violation of free speech brought about by the ACLU in the Santa Rosa County School District (District), the Florida legislature passed a law that requires school districts to obtain the consent of staff and students before entering into any agreement that infringes upon or waives their First Amendment rights. The new law takes effect July 1.

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Recent Articles

Doomed to Repeat History

, Spencer Irvine

Paul D. Miller, associate director at the University of Texas-Austin’s Clements Center for National Security, spoke at the conservative think tank Heritage Foundation to discuss his book, American Power and Liberal Order: A Conservative Internationalist…

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The “Post-Truth” World of Academia

, Alex Nitzberg

Radical ideas that defy reality can flourish at Universities that indoctrinate students with intellectual insanity while inculcating them against Biblical morality. “Post-truth,” the “Oxford Dictionary’s Word of the Year 2016,” provides an apt description of…

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