Recent Articles

Media’s Supreme History Lesson

, Liberty Counsel

The Texas State Board of Education met and confirmed by a vote of 9-5 textbook standards for the next 10 years. The Board emphasized the teaching of American history and rejected attempts by historical revisionists to remove significant parts of history.

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‘Virginity Rocks’

, Nisha N. Mohammed

Officials at a Minnesota public school have agreed to respect the right of a middle school student to wear at school a t-shirt bearing an abstinence message.

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Feds Censure Physics Prof

, Tony Perkins

See what happened when a president dismissed a physics professor the White House had tapped to aid Louisiana after it had been hit by a disaster because of the scholar’s views on homosexuality.

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Texas Sidestep

, Malcolm A. Kline

Elites who treat the efforts of Texas officials to balance their otherwise politically correct textbooks as a scandal are missing an even bigger outrage in the Lone Star State’s public schools.

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Elena Kagan’s Campus Activism

, Bethany Stotts

Accuracy in Academia has identified four consecutive years during which Harvard Law School Dean Elena Kagan worked with the law school’s Lambda group to oppose military recruiting on campus.

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The China Syndrome

, Emily Jaroma

As Americans continue to brace themselves through the worst economic recession in recent history, they are consumed with thoughts of fear of the economic unknown.  As the federal government continues to try to “cure” the market of this ill, lawmakers are pointing fingers to where they believe the problem all began.

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Recent Articles

We Remember Pearl Harbor

, Spencer Irvine

We at Accuracy in Academia recognize the sacrifices made on that day, where U.S. servicemen died in Pearl Harbor when Japanese bombers attacked the U.S. fleet stationed there. We remember December 7th, 1941 through the words…

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What’s Next for Trump and Taiwan?

, Spencer Irvine

Before President-elect Trump’s recent exchange of greetings with Taiwanese leaders, Gordon G. Chang, author of The Coming Collapse of China, spoke at the conservative think tank Heritage Foundation , giving his take the incoming administration and…

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Intern with Us! Apply Today!

, Spencer Irvine

Do you want to intern in the nation’s capital? We offer journalism and writing internships in the Washington, D.C. area for college students and have rolling deadlines, so please apply. Scholarships are offered. Please spread…

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