Recent Articles

Backward Progressives

, Malcolm A. Kline

A couple of decades ago, syndicated columnist and Democratic Party strategist Mark Shields told a joke that went like this: When two liberals came upon a man who had been mugged, the first liberal looked at the second and said, “We must find the person who did this. He needs help.”

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Tariq Ramadan’s Amen Corner

, The Investigative Project on Terrorism

In 1989, Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Khomeini, issued a fatwa calling for the assassination of British writer Salman Rushdie in retaliation for his writing a book that depicted Islam in a negative light.

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Academics Boost Arizona Tourism

, Malcolm A. Kline

Here’s the difference between left-wing celebrities threatening to leave the United States because they don’t like the results of a presidential election and left-wing groups who threaten to boycott a state to show distaste for its laws. The former make America a better place while the latter make Arizona a better place.

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Flag Day

, Don Irvine

For one northern California high school Cinco de Mayo didn’t pass quietly as five students were threatened with disciplinary action for wearing American flag t-shirts to school.

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More than Choice

, Bethany Stotts

At a recent book forum at the American Enterprise Institute, AEI scholar Frederick Hess argued that education reform should move beyond whole-school conceptions of school choice and focus on the dynamics of “supply.”

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Santa Rosa Showdown

, Liberty Counsel

Liberty Counsel has filed a comprehensive lawsuit against the Santa Rosa County School District and its Superintendent, Timothy S. Wyrosdick, for their persistent and widespread violations of First Amendment rights.

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Mann-made Climate Changes

, Bethany Stotts

Penn State University professor and climatologist Michael Mann recently threatened to sue a group for its video satire of his climate science entitled “Hide the Decline.

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Finance Reform = Government Takeover

, James F. Davis

It’s time to take our heads out of the sand about the agenda of President Obama and his insider supporters.  Having passed legislation that will give government bureaucrats the power over who gets medical care and who doesn’t, he has now set his sights on taking control over who gets money and who doesn’t—of every person in the USA through the alleged “Financial Reform Bill.”

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Recent Articles

Meet Betsy DeVos, the New Education Secretary

, Deborah Lambert

President-elect Donald Trump has selected billionaire philanthropist Betsy DeVos, a relatively unknown figure on the national scene, to head the U.S. Department of Education. Calling her a “brilliant and passionate education advocate,” Trump said in…

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African-American History Missing

, Spencer Irvine

Field trips to museums in Washington, D.C. are nothing new but the latest archive in our nation’s capital may break records set by other museums in the Smithsonian network. The much-heralded National African-American Museum of…

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IUPUI Opens Disease Research Collaboration with Cubans

, Spencer Irvine

From IUPUI’s press release: Scientists in Indianapolis and Cuba are now collaborating to discover treatments for neglected diseases. Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis undergraduate students and researchers recently traveled to Cuba to conduct a workshop and…

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