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New Deal Stacked Again

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On December 15, thirty prominent academic associations lobbied Congress for the inclusion of funds for schools in the upcoming economic stimulus bill, adding higher education to other industries looking for federal aid in the midst of the economic turndown.

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Candidates for Better Healthcare

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American leaders and healthcare experts met at the Heritage Foundation Tuesday to discuss the endless debate over national healthcare reform, as they looked to which 2008 presidential candidate had the most successful plan to revamp the nation’s economic system altogether.

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Dr. Jerome Corsi first caught national attention with Unfit For Command in 2004. He has returned with The Obama Nation, a book which seeks to match Unfit’s feat, if not surpass it.

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Original Intent for All

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Although conservatives generally embrace the original intent of the U.S. Constitution, while liberals see it as a living document, one legal scholar points out that a liberal read of the document constrains both left and right, while an interpretive one lends itself to exploitation by such political factions.

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