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Reagan on Politics

, Accuracy in Academia

‘It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first.’

– Ronald Reagan

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Under Two Flags

, Michelle Treasure

AJC: Although Chile suffered a much stronger earthquake than Haiti, its death toll was much lower due in part to improved infrastructure, and the country was able to recover on its own, instead of relying almost entirely on foreign assistance like Haiti did.

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We report you decide

, Melissa Barnhart

The ongoing debate about the constitutionality of the health care legislation the President signed into law and its long-term ramifications continues to ramp up discussions on the Internet and in print.

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Carnage That College Ignores

, Malcolm A. Kline

Storied Soviet dictator Josef Stalin once famously said that one man’s death is a tragedy, a thousand is a statistic. He and his successors compiled so many human statistics that the unfortunately few academics and intellectuals who are trying to ascertain the true number are still working on it.

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Commencement of Controversy

, Tony Perkins

By May 28, seniors at Greenwood High School will have passed all of their classes, but according to the local school board, they still face an important test: to pray or not to pray?

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Recent Articles

Education Press Trumped

, Malcolm A. Kline

Before the election, we reported on the education establishment’s befuddlement over the nascent political career of our president-elect. Since the election, we have seen college students acting out in response to the results, mostly in…

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