Recent Articles

Gone But Not Forgotten

, Melissa Barnhart

AJC: The Family Research Council commemorated the fifth anniversary of the death of Terri Schiavo by hosting a panel discussion, “Terri Schiavo and a Culture of Life: Looking Forward on the Anniversary of Terri’s Death,” in Washington, D.C. on Monday, March 29.

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Groundhog Day: The 60s

, Melissa Barnhart

AJC: In his book, Framing the Sixties: The Use and Abuse of a Decade from Ronald Reagan to George W. Bush, Bernard von Bothmer, a professor of American history at the University of San Francisco and Dominican University of California, “examines the ways in which four presidents [Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Clinton and George W. Bush] used their own selective versions of the 1960s for political gain in the years from 1980 to 2004.”

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Don’t Ask Don’t Towel

, Malcolm A. Kline

It is probably not too surprising that so-called “public intellectuals” have descended from academic canyons to call for the repeal of the U. S. military’s ban on homosexuality in the service.

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AstroConsent Decree

, Liberty Counsel

If you have been following the lawsuit in Florida involving the ACLU’s attempts to criminalize prayer in the Santa Rosa County schools—get ready for some shocking news!

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Affirmative Activism

, Bethany Stotts

Affirmative action remains a controversial issue in American society; opponents argue that racial preferences undermine the equal treatment of citizens, while supporters argue that endemic racism requires policies which compensate for long-standing racial inequalities.

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Meghan Goes to College

, Malcolm A. Kline

We have devoted ample space to the paucity of Republicans welcomed in academia. What is almost as instructive is a look at the representatives of the Grand Old Party who are embraced in academe. Consider Meghan McCain’s recent appearance at George Washington University.

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“Corpus Christi” Nixed

, Jeff Field

Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on the cancellation of the gay-Jesus play “Corpus Christi” at Tarleton State University (it was scheduled to be shown on March 27).

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Recent Articles

One-Party Universities

, Malcolm A. Kline

If you want to see what America will look like if universities get to remodel it, have a look at what higher education looks like. “We investigate the voter registration of faculty at 40 leading…

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Where Political Correctness Originated

, Malcolm A. Kline

If you wonder where the politically correct malady that afflicts America came from, Boston University professor emeritus Angelo M. Codevilla has the answer. “The notion of political correctness came into use among Communists in the…

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Intro to Journalism 2016

, Cliff Kincaid

In his letter to Donald J. Trump, New England Patriots Coach Bill Belichick said, “Congratulations on a tremendous campaign. You have dealt with an unbelievable slanted and negative media and have come out beautifully.” Belichick…

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