Recent Articles

Bankrupt Hope & Change

, Bethany Stotts

A University of Wisconsin-Madison student gave his interpretation of young voters’ expectations for health care reform at a recent press conference organized by Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) office.

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Reagan on the Taxpayer

, Accuracy in Academia

‘The taxpayer: That’s someone who works for the federal government but doesn’t have to take the civil service examination.’

– Ronald Reagan

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Benign Neglect of Anti-Semitism

, Malcolm A. Kline

A government perpetually in search of victims may be writing off some genuine ones. “Anti-Semitic incidents remain a problem on some U.S. campuses,” the Scholars for Middle East Peace (SPME) recently wrote in a letter to the U. S. Secretary of Education.

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Yes It Can

, Alliance Defense Fund

The Alliance Defense Fund and Professionals for Ethics filed a lawsuit with the European Court of Human Rights Friday on behalf of more than 300 parents and children challenging compulsory anti-Christian education for Spain’s public and private school students.

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Too Radical For Rahm?

, Tony Perkins

How liberal is the President’s latest nominee for the Ninth Circuit Court? According to Ed Whalen, even White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel tried to shoot down his candidacy.

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Revisionist Health Care History

, Bethany Stotts

After the U.S. House of Representatives voted to pass the Senate health care bill Sunday night, President Obama argued that the vote represented “another stone firmly laid in the foundation of the American Dream.”

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Tarleton State Catholics

, Jeff Field

On Saturday, March 27, Tarleton State University in Texas will host a performance of “Corpus Christi,” the Terrence McNally play that was the subject of a major street demonstration launched by the Catholic League in 1998 when it opened in New York City.

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UT-Austin Deep Blue

, Dustin Matocha

Members of the University of Texas at Austin’s Young Conservatives of Texas chapter, a student group affiliated with, recently researched the political leanings of their university professors and found substantial liberal bias in the academy.

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History Makes Partial Recovery

, Malcolm A. Kline

A paper from the Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI) displays some of the sharpest insights from academia in many a year but fails to offer perspectives that need to be considered for our history to be based on perception rather than reality.

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Recent Articles

DNC Thought Control

, Cliff Kincaid

It’s a fact of life that in this era of access to many different sources of information, some people go to the Google search engine and rely on the first item that pops up. That’s…

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