Recent Articles

Progression Analysis

, Malcolm A. Kline

Progressives now acknowledge some of the key failures in public education but what solutions they propose to fix them may only exacerbate the problem.

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Of Pedagogy & Propaganda

, Mary Grabar

Your column “As the Third World Turns” did a good job of pointing out the even larger entanglement between the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) and organizations putting on workshops about Islam for teachers. However, I feel that your (largest) section about Barbara Petzen’s presentation left out some very important points.

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Baby It’s Cold Outside

, Bethany Stotts

Academics and climatologists are on the defensive about the ClimateGate scandal and errors in UN-sponsored research, especially amid a public growing more skeptical of climate change news hype.

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Spurning Waterboarding, Courting Disaster

, Sheila Archambault

AJC: The United States is in danger of another 9/11 attack, because the U.S. is no longer focused on capturing, detaining and interrogating the senior leaders of al-Quaida, a former White House senior staff member said at the Heritage Foundation.

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Education’s “Remote” Control

, Tony Perkins

In one of his first public appearances since the controversy over his appointment, “safe schools czar” Kevin Jennings came out of hiding to address a group of teachers yesterday at the National Press Club.

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As The Third World Turns

, Bethany Stotts

Public schools are often seen as indoctrination centers due to high-profile incidents such as Diatha Harris’ in-class criticism of the Iraq war and the many examples of students praising President Obama at the behest of their teachers.

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How hi are u?

, Cliff Kincaid

Left-wing California politicians have been talking about legalizing and taxing marijuana to save the state from bankruptcy. But thanks to the state’s most notorious pothead, Pentagon shooter John Patrick Bedell, that vision may now go up in smoke.

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Recent Articles

Thanksgiving is Safe, For Now

, Malcolm A. Kline

Interestingly, Thanksgiving has remained relatively unscathed as progressives try to remake the American calendar. Maybe they because don’t want to blow a four-day weekend. I did have an oddball professor—it does sound redundant—35 years ago…

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Journalism 101: Orwell Revisited

, Malcolm A. Kline

Pity the poor journalism student: He, or she, has to keep up with so many ways to spin a story that it would make George Orwell dizzy. “During Republican administrations they prided themselves on being…

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