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Visualize Regulation

, Natalia Angulo

AJC: George Mason Professor of Law, Todd Zywicki, spoke to an initially sanguine audience at the Blogger’s Briefing Tuesday on his glum fiscal findings.

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Abortion on Demand Reconsidered

, Tilla Bradley

AJC: One strong advocate the casualties of the pro-choice agenda have is the ever-present pro-life movement. These activists oppose the legalization of abortion while offering pregnancy counseling.

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George Washington Slanted Here

, Joe Naron

Members of The George Washington University Chapter of Young America’s Foundation (GWYAF) recently researched the political leanings of their university professors and found substantial liberal bias in the academy.

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Evaluating Higher Ed Transparency

, Bethany Stotts

How much will my education cost? Is it a good value for me and my family? Will I be able to get a job when I graduate? These questions and others are often at the forefront of parents’ and prospective students’ minds when picking a college or university, but a new study calls into question whether higher ed institutions who voluntarily reveal information about themselves are providing misleading information to consumers.

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Stimulating Civics Lesson

, James F. Davis

Most people seem to forget that the government cannot give one person money without taking it away from someone else.  Politicians seem to forget that they forcibly take money from persons who earned it and give it is someone who did not earn it.

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Czar Trek

, Tony Perkins

Although there continues to be plenty of controversy surrounding Kevin Jennings, the President’s latest response isn’t “fire him” but “fund him!”

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Is medical marijuana medicinal?

, Cliff Kincaid

The left says he was a right-winger; the conservatives say that he was a leftist. What is abundantly clear, from reading his Internet commentaries, is that Pentagon shooter John Patrick Bedell was a psychotic pothead

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