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Finding the Missing Christians

, Samira H. Tamer

The Seventh Grade history book standard in most California schools is “History Alive – The The Seventh Grade history book standard in most California schools, History Alive – The Medieval World and Beyond, contains 55 pages on Islam and only 16 pages on Christianity (of which much of the content was negative).

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Stand and Deliver What?

, Tony Perkins

Most third and fourth graders barely know what sex is, let alone have any desire to try it. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) is advocating in a new report, “Stand and Deliver.”

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Red Cross Rules of Engagement

, Sheila Archambault

AJC: In international humanitarian law and the law of armed conflict, there has been a large change—law is no longer based on practice, or what fighting countries actually do in wars, but it’s now based on what someone said in a speech, a professor said at an event put on by the Endowment for Middle East Truth.

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Analysis of Obama’s National Defense Policy

, Sheila Archambault

AJC: The Obama Administration’s declinist vision of the country and “blame America first” policy has a negative impact on America’s standing in the world and is permeating into American national security policy, a U.S. Representative said at a Heritage Foundation event.

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Memory Hole Gets Crowded

, Malcolm A. Kline

Marxists believe that he who controls the past controls the future. It’s hard not to see that philosophy at work in the actions of various state boards of education around the country.

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DePaul Denounced

, Tom Ciesielka

On January 19, 2010, attorneys for former DePaul University professor Thomas Klocek filed his opening brief in his appeal of the circuit court’s decision to deny him a jury trial on the merits of his defamation case against DePaul.

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Students for Free Speech

, James Madison Center for Free Speech

James Bopp Jr, today filed a friend-of-the court brief in a U.S. Supreme Court case involving the rights of student groups on university campuses to determine the ideological requirements for membership in the group.

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