Recent Articles

Save the Farm

, Cliff Kincaid

A library featuring the personal papers of anti-communist hero Whittaker Chambers is being planned on the site of his farm in Maryland. Unfortunately, local authorities are considering a water project that could damage part of the property

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Mann Overboard

, Bethany Stotts

Accuracy in Academia has identified several concerns regarding the inquiry committee’s report and Penn State’s ongoing conflicts of interest in conducting Professor Mann’s investigation.

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Read Dawn?

, Susan A. Fani

Catholic League president Bill Donohue directs his comments at an editorial in today’s New York Times.

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Missing the Point Twice

, Malcolm A. Kline

Two stories appearing on the GW Hatchet Online show why a college education such as the one offered at George Washington University here in our nation’s capital trains students so well for government work.

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IU Denies Free Market

, Rachel Kania

The Economics Department and Indiana Memorial Union Board Lectures Committee of Indiana University-Bloomington refused to host Mises Institute senior scholar and economist Dr. Thomas E. Woods, Jr. on campus, citing the blatantly false excuse that Woods, a graduate of Harvard and Columbia and a New York Times bestselling author, lacked “sufficient academic credibility.”

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Overcoming Anti-Reform Excuses

, Bethany Stotts

Superintendents work outside the box to promote beneficial change in their local school districts, argues Frederick Hess in the January 2010 American Enterprise Institute (AEI) Education Outlook.

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Recent Articles

Hillary’s Abortion Doctor

, Spencer Irvine

A great piece by our friend Paul Kengor at the American Spectator: In the course of the research for that book, which was titled, God and Hillary Clinton, I stumbled upon a claim that blew…

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