Recent Articles

Race to the Trough

, Tony Perkins

Considering that 49% more Americans can identify “Jon and Kate plus Eight” than the first U.S. Supreme Court Justice, the push to revamp public education is probably justified.

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The Dwindling Uninsured

, Malcolm A. Kline

For the past two decades, the ever-rising tens of millions of uninsured have become an accepted premise of America’s political and academic elites but they may be as overcounted as the 57 stars on the U. S. flag.

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al Quaida Assessed

, Sheila Archambault

AJC: As the attempted Christmas Day terrorist attack proves, it is integral for the Obama Administration to address the vulnerabilities that continue to exist in the U.S.’s aviation, maritime and border systems, a former government official said.

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Craig’s List

, Malcolm A. Kline

In Boston, an English professor is trying to sell his class on society’s collective guilt when said students are already believers in personal responsibility.

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Professing Against Proposition 8

, Bethany Stotts

The trial to decide whether California’s Proposition 8 was unconstitutional by banning same-sex marriage opened on January 11 before the California Supreme Court. A large portion of the testimony will originate in the ivory tower.

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Amnesty Again?

, Tilla Bradley

AJC: Because Congress and the president are getting set to revamp immigration law, the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) undertook a task few academics or policymakers have. The CIS looked at what happened the last time that the executive and legislative branches got together to relax border controls.

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The Political Economy of Malthus

, Bethany Stotts

Those unfamiliar with the happenings at Modern Language Association (MLA) annual conventions might wonder why it is that Sarah Palin’s stance on sex education received mention during a panel on “Major Romantic Writers.”

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Speaking Up For Tough Choices

, Tilla Bradley

AJC: There is certainly no better time for the release of former GAO head David M. Walker’s latest book, Comeback America: Turning the Country around and Restoring Fiscal Responsibility than this.

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Recent Articles

Rush Limbaugh Quotes AIA Blog

, Spencer Irvine

Our recent article on Donald Trump confusing academics was cited by talk show radio host Rush Limbaugh this past Friday! Take a listen at this link here and read the transcript below: “These people couldn’t…

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It’s the Accreditation, Stupid!

, Malcolm A. Kline

The good news is that the Left has noticed what a scam college accreditation is. The bad news: They want the federal government to take it over. “Accreditors are self-regulating membership organizations,” Ben Miller, David…

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