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Eye on MSI

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Discussing President Obama’s goal that America would “once again have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world,” an Education Department official recently argued that increased funding for minority-serving institutions—and historically-black colleges and universities, in particular—was the key to increasing the number of American graduates.

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Let D.C. Rise

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D.C. school choice activists and families fighting for the restoration of the Washington Opportunity Scholarship Program (OSP) met together at the Heritage Foundation on April 13 to screen their short documentary, Let Me Rise, which states that it documents “the story of hundreds of families in our nation’s capital fighting for their children’s future…”

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Finding the Missing Christians

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The Seventh Grade history book standard in most California schools is “History Alive – The The Seventh Grade history book standard in most California schools, History Alive – The Medieval World and Beyond, contains 55 pages on Islam and only 16 pages on Christianity (of which much of the content was negative).

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Stimulated School Systems

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Americans driving, or walking, through blocks of shut-down businesses and foreclosed-upon homes while greeting their unemployed neighbors or perhaps looking for jobs themselves may wonder what happened to the so-called stimulus money that Congress voted to spend earlier this year.

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