Recent Articles

Rendezvous With Density

, Bethany Stotts

Will health care reform lead to the rationing of medical care? M. Stanton Evans, author and journalist, argued that it certainly will in a recent Accuracy in Media Take AIM radio show.

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Howard Zinn’s America

, Deborah Lambert

America-bashers are working overtime these days to divide our nation into enemy camps. One way to describe it is a war between the country that you and I love vs. Howard Zinn’s America.

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Voodoo Health Care?

, Accuracy in Academia

Author M. Stanton Evans, discussing Accuracy in Academia’s textbook, Voodoo Anyone? How to Understand Economics Without Really Trying, which he inspired.

Listen to the podcast here.

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Tracking for Success

, Bethany Stotts

At a recent American Enterprise Institute (AEI) conference on “Increasing Accountability in American Higher Education,” panelists argued that the key to increased postsecondary accountability lies with better tracking-systems for student learning outcomes and increasing use of standardized tests.

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Mission: PreK

, Bethany Stotts

Last month a prestigious line-up of retired admirals and generals emphasized the importance of early childhood education to the America’s continued national security.

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Christmas Returns to Oregon

, Liberty Counsel

Ashland, OR – Principal Michelle Zundel of Bellview Elementary School in Ashland, Oregon, has reversed her prior decision banning Christmas trees and Santa Claus from her school.

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Recent Articles

The New Cold War

, Spencer Irvine

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and George Washington University held a joint conference, their third together, at the university’s D.C. campus. Peter Clement, deputy assistant director for CIA’s Europe and Eurasia Mission, John McLaughlin, distinguished…

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