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Raunchy Christmas Plays Abound

, Susan A. Fani

For whatever reason, there are more raunchy Christmas plays this year than ever before. Not surprisingly, many are gay-themed, most are confined to the east and west coasts, and all are loved by art critics. The plays run the gamut from the irreverent to the vulgar.

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Evangelical Left in Denial

, Cliff Kincaid

Dr. James Wanliss, Associate Professor of Physics at Presbyterian College, has written The Green Dragon, a book about how environmentalism is actually committed to “the reconstruction of a pagan world order” and “rejection of Christian spirituality.”

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ClimateGate Investigations Galore

, Bethany Stotts

In a recent British news broadcast one University of East Anglia professor went to bat for Phil Jones and his colleagues over at the University’s Climate Research Unit. The topic of conversation was Jones’ controversial ClimateGate correspondence.

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School Czar’s Permanent Record

, Allie Winegar Duzett

While has 108 stories on the White House-gate-crashing Salahis, the site only features one story on the “Safe Schools Czar” of the Obama administration, Kevin Jennings.

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Unsustainable Health Insurance Plans

, Sarah Carlsruh

AJC: On Sunday, December 6th, President Barack Obama paid a visit to Senators on Capitol Hill to urge them to pass health care reform. Senate leaders are working to rally 60 supporting votes to get this bill passed.

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