Recent Articles

Penultimate Oldies but Goodies

, Accuracy in Academia

At an AIA author’s night, former Accuracy in Academia director Leslie Carbone shows that, far from being retro, the founders’ timeless vision truly speaks to these troubled times.

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Redefining Public Education

, Bethany Stotts

In the November Education Outlook issued by the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), senior fellow Frederick Hess issues an ambitious set of K-12 educational reforms which, he argues, would modernize teacher hiring practices and public education.

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The ACLU v. The First Amendment

, Liberty Counsel

Representing the Christian Educators Association International (CEAI), Liberty Counsel returns to federal court at 1:00 p.m. today to combat the ACLU’s harassment of teachers, staff, and students at Pace High School and other schools in the Santa Rosa County School District.

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Recent Articles

How ‘Green’ was My Campus

, Malcolm A. Kline

The sustainability campaigns on American college campuses, which we have covered for about as long as they have existed, may seem more ubiquitous than pledge drives on PBS. Nevertheless, some scholars think they haven’t gone…

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Presidential Birthplace Trivia

, Malcolm A. Kline

Each of the following states produced one president apiece and you might be surprised at the chief executives that go with each of them—Illinois, Kentucky, Nebraska, New Jersey and New Hampshire. They are: Ronald Reagan,…

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