Recent Articles

Title IX Expansions

, Bethany Stotts

During a November 10 press call on “Women Scientists and American Competitiveness,” speakers suggested that Title IX should be used to focus on “educational equity” and not just athletic equity.

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Feldblum Coming To Roost

, Susan A. Fani

Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on the confirmation hearing of Georgetown law professor Chai Feldblum, nominated to join the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

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Secure Reporting

, Sarah Carlsruh

AJC: What do media have to do with Homeland Security? A November 13th forum at the Heritage Foundation addressed this issue, with panelists explaining how the media shapes American and global perceptions of domestic security issues.

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Fat Studies On Display

, Bethany Stotts

Political correctness has run amok in the ivory tower. If some academics have their way, college students soon will be forced to vet themselves not only for subconscious racist, sexist and classist thoughts, but fatist ones as well.

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Media Matters to Left

, Cliff Kincaid

Robert W. McChesney, the socialist professor whose Free Press organization is leading the charge for the $50 billion “progressive” transformation of the media, hosts a one-sided, tax-supported radio program sponsored by the University of Illinois that could serve as a model for the “New Public Media” the group has envisioned for America.

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Left-wing media matters

, Cliff Kincaid

A professor at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Robert W. McChesney has said that “media reform” should be part of the march toward socialism in America and that capitalism has to be dismantled “brick by brick.”

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There We Go Again

, Sarah Carlsruh

AJC: Unlike the current Republican Party, which does not “know what it stands for,” former President Ronald Reagan’s ideals encompassed the Republican party, claimed author Craig Shirley at a Nov. 10 Bloggers’ Briefing.

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Recent Articles

Starving Students in DC Get a Food Pantry

, Spencer Irvine

Why do universities have to provide food for students? Maybe the universities should cut down on their expensive tuition pricing…along with students making better financial decisions to not go into debt with high tuition costs. 

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Where’s the playground, Susie?

, Malcolm A. Kline

A playground in Missouri is becoming a political minefield. “Only one religious freedom case is currently before the Supreme Court this upcoming term: Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia v. Pauley,” the Alliance for Defending Freedom…

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Costs of Immigration Enforcement

, Malcolm A. Kline

At the Cato Institute recently, a libertarian law professor claimed we could not enforce mass deportations but did not mention what illegal immigration already costs American taxpayers. “We cannot afford to remove 18 million,” Josh…

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