Recent Articles

Back to the Future

, Accuracy in Academia

Reagan biographer Steve Hayward shows the startling similarities in the world faced by America’s 40th president and our own modern times.

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Academia’s Ethical Lapses

, Don Irvine

Last Friday disgraced former New York Times reporter Jayson Blair spoke to students at Washington and Lee University’s Journalism Ethics Institute on the subject of “Lessons Learned”.

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Health Care Hijacked

, Geoff Lewis

AJC: Increase health care costs; cut Medicare in half; undermine consumer choices and quality of care; and destroy federalism as we know it. These are all the effects that panelists at a recent Heritage Foundation meeting argue the current health care bills will produce if they pass.

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Soros Funds Catholic Groups

, Cliff Kincaid

George Soros, the billionaire hedge fund operator and well-known atheist, has been pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars into “progressive” Catholic groups that are significant players in the national debates over health care and immigration.

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Recent Articles

Diversity Without Dissent

, Malcolm A. Kline

There is one type of diversity that university officials are manifestly hostile to: diverse viewpoints critical of the policies which they are pursuing. “I’ve tried opposing affirmative action and I’m no longer invited to sit…

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