Recent Articles

Liberty Celebrates Life

, Liberty Counsel

Tomorrow morning [Nov. 11] at 10:00 a.m., Mat Staver will deliver the keynote address to more than 10,000 attendees at an event to kick off a student-initiated and organized pro-life conference at Liberty University.

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Barack My Science Mag

, Bethany Stotts

Do political leaders who alienate other nations increase the probability of a terrorist attack against their homeland? Recent research conducted by then- Princeton University professor Alan Krueger and Czech professor Jitka Malečková suggests that it does.

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After the Wall

, Geoff Lewis

AJC: Twenty years ago the Berlin wall that divided Germany from freedom and communism came down. At a recent event at the Heritage Foundation, panelists reviewed the “pulse” of Europe twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

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Global Warming Peer Reviewed

, Allie Winegar Duzett

Lord Christopher Monckton is known for many things. He was a science advisor to Margaret Thatcher, and in recent years he developed the famous Eternity puzzle.  But most currently, Lord Monckton has been making waves with his many arguments against alleged global warming.

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Rehnquist’s Portrait

, Allie Winegar Duzett

William Rehnquist was by all accounts a fascinating man. His work in the judiciary was unparalleled: he served on the Supreme Court as a justice for over three decades, and led the court as Chief Justice for nineteen years.

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The God Concept

, Allie Winegar Duzett

Some cognitivists out there claim that the “God Concept” comes naturally to children.  In their worldview, children come up with the concept of God to explain away things that just don’t make sense to their underdeveloped minds.

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Fatherhood and Religion

, Allie Winegar Duzett

“Children benefit when fathers are involved in family life; religion encourages men to be more involved in family life,” Dr. Richard Petts said at a recent Heritage Foundation conference.

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Recent Articles

Federally Funded Anti-Semitism

, Malcolm A. Kline

We’ve reported on the movement on college campuses to apply boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against entities that invest in the state of Israel. As well, we’ve shown the anti-Semitism in this campaign. Now, a…

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BDS Threatens Palestinians

, Malcolm A. Kline

Way back in the Big Band Era, even before my time, the Mills Brothers did a song called “You always hurt the one you love.” The political Left in America should resurrect it and make…

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Rebranding Common Core

, Malcolm A. Kline

The unpopularity of the Common Core educational standards is not causing it’s proponents to rethink it but to rebrand it. “In 2010, every state but Alaska, Nebraska, Texas, and Virginia adopted Common Core State Standards,…

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