Recent Articles

Screaming ‘Fascist’

, Sarah Carlsruh

“I’m as happy to be here as Roman Polanski at a Hannah Montana concert” began Jonah Goldberg at Accuracy in Media’s 40th Anniversary Conference on October 23rd.

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ACORN: Bizarre and Corrupt

, Allie Winegar Duzett

According to John Fund of The Wall Street Journal, there is one question above all that Americans should be asking with regards to ACORN: “How did they get away with so much for so long?”

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Generation Cynical

, Sarah Carlsruh

“Cynicism exists. It’s toxic,” said Michael Josephson at an October 29th presentation on “High School Character” at the National Press Club.

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Belief Clusters

, Paul Gottfried

Like the Byzantine Greens and Blues, who were amateur theologians but mostly sports fans, our “liberals” and “conservatives” view themselves as thinkers, but in truth they are mostly partisans.

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Inside ACORN

, Allie Winegar Duzett

While many of ACORN’s members are corrupt, a few have the courage to speak for truth and virtue.  Anita MonCrief is one of those people.

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Populace Media

, Sarah Carlsruh

James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles’ undercover videos revealing the scandal of ACORN, with over a million views on YouTube, are a testament to the escalating dominance of new media.

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Religion and Families

, Allie Winegar Duzett

Studies of the past decade’s religiosity “can be boiled into good news and bad news,” said Annette Mahoney of Bowling Green State University at a recent Heritage Foundation conference.

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Recent Articles

Anti-Israel BDS Movement at UCLA & Berkeley

, Roger Aronoff

According to the AMCHA Initiative, a non-profit organization that investigates and reports on anti-Semitism at American universities, there was “an alarming spike” in acts of anti-Semitism on America’s college campuses during the first half of…

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How the British Can Leave the EU

, Spencer Irvine

This probably won’t be covered in many International Relations courses. The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) issued a study that outlines a roadmap for the United Kingdom’s (UK) exit from the European Union (EU), entitled “Cutting…

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