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Moral Tax Reform Part 3

, Accuracy in Academia

Former Accuracy in Academia director Leslie Carbone shows that it is in her book Slaying Leviathan: The Moral Case for Tax Reform. Watch her discuss it at the last AIA author’s night on October 15, 2009.

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Globe Cools to Warming

, Allie Winegar Duzett

Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney teamed up earlier this year to create a rebuttal film, Not Evil, Just Wrong to discuss the scientific inaccuracies and the hidden agendas of Al Gore’s smash hit An Inconvenient Truth.

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Jennings & ACT-UP

, Susan A. Fani

Catholic League president Bill Donohue speaks to the selection of Kevin Jennings as Director of the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools.

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Sec of Ed to attack school today

, Allie Winegar Duzett

Secretary of Education Arne Duncan is planning to attack teacher training programs in a speech he will give at Columbia University today. In the advance copy of Duncan’s remarks, Duncan states that many colleges do…

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Edley Knows That Government Knows Best

, Allie Winegar Duzett

Yesterday an education panel was held at the New York Public Library. The panel, sponsored by the Wall Street Journal and Intel Corporation, starred three leftists who continued “the ongoing debate inside the Democratic Party…

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Make My GSE a McGE

, Sarah Carlsruh

The burden of bailing out mortgage giants Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae will fall to taxpayers, predicted Brooklyn Law School Professor David Reiss, at a cost which the Cato Institute suggested could top $200 billion.

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Stolen Election: NY Edition

, Allie Winegar Duzett

It’s old news that ACORN was involved in fraudulent voting during the presidential election of 2008. However, FOX News recently reported that the Working Families Party, a subsidiary group of ACORN, may have stolen this…

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Recent Articles

Look for the Union Label

, Spencer Irvine

Teachers’ unions can now point to an academic study to defend themselves against the charge that they prevent the firing of bad teachers, but the study itself is more of a hypothetical defense against very…

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