Recent Articles

A Charter for Achievement

, Allie Winegar Duzett

While bureaucrats everywhere puzzle over how to make public school test scores look good, one charter school principal has figured out how to make them go up without score keeping gimmicks.

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, Sarah Carlsruh

September 11th, 2001 is now a part of U.S. history, and so the issue of how to teach about it in high school history classes is necessary, albeit controversial.

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Progressive Lamentations

, Allie Winegar Duzett

Is the government’s proper role to take care of gender inequality? Speakers believed so at the October 19, 2009 Shriver Report conference held by the Center for American Progress.

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Change & High Hopes

, Allie Winegar Duzett

Newt Gingrich was the first speaker at the Saturday session of the Americans for Prosperity (AFP) Defending the American Dream Summit on October 3, 2009.

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Turn the Other Cheek

, Deborah Lambert

One sports clothing company sued a teenager for “copyright infringement” although the boy’s parody clothing business only brought in about $4,000 last year. Read more here.

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Turn the Other Cheek

, Deborah Lambert

Until last year, Missouri teenager Jimmy Winkelmann wasn’t planning on being an entrepreneur. But after becoming “frustrated with his classmates’ sheep-like following” of the popular North Face sports clothing, he finally decided to generate his own response.

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Ed Appointee ACTed UP

, Tony Perkins

We continue to learn still more about the extremism of “safe schools” czar, Kevin Jennings. First, it was how he was “inspired” by Harry Hay–an early homosexual activist who openly defended pedophilia.

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Recent Articles

Anti-Semitism On Campus Gets Real

, Malcolm A. Kline

Usually university officials go into overdrive to solve a reported hate crime. Apparently they become more deliberate when the alleged victim is a Jewish student. “On Thursday, the UC Irvine Office of Student Conduct announced that…

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Federalizing the MLA

, Malcolm A. Kline

Colleges and universities are forever feeling shortchanged by taxpayers. They needn’t worry. For one thing, they are far richer than those of us who actually pay federal levies. For another, academia has succeeded in securing…

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