Recent Articles

Taxes: A Love Story

, Brittany Fortier

What impact do taxes have on the budgetary process?  A conference hosted by the Center for American Progress (CAP) on September 30, 2009 featured panelists who discussed this question and other issues regarding the national debt.

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Hippocratic Out

, Sarah Carlsruh

While he did not equate the current ethics of modern medicine to that of Nazi Germany, at a recent forum, an M.D. did imply that there is an “amoral component” headed in that direction.

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Commentary: Ethics Reform Under Scrutiny

, Brittany Fortier

With numerous questionable Cabinet appointees, 32 czars (and counting) who do not have to answer to Congress, and scandals involving organizations affiliated with the President (e.g., Acorn), how effective has Obama been at keeping his promise?

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Hoped For Change

, Allie Winegar Duzett

At the recent Americans for Prosperity (AFP) Defending the American Dream Summit, radio host Hugh Hewitt  discussed his youthful years.

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Hobby Lobby

, Brittany Fortier

Are lobbyists discouraging some of the best and brightest in the private sector from working for the government?

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Recent Articles

Anti-Catholic Bias at a Catholic College

, Malcolm A. Kline

With increasing frequency, it is getting harder and harder for conservative Catholics, no matter how well credentialed they are, to get hired in academia, particularly in Catholic universities. When he was still teaching at SUNY,…

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