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Pleasure Now or Never

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Art History Professor Christopher Reed offered his own unique conception of pleasure in the workplace by highlighting the social virtues of homosexual references in the television sitcom Will & Grace and a YouTube video titled “Shoes.”

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It’s Still Children

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The premiere of It’s Still Elementary, a retrospective documentary featuring the public’s response to the controversial 1996 It’s Elementary film on homosexual discussions in Elementary School classrooms, was hosted by the NEA.

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Ten Little Litigants

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The Lakota East High School dramatic production of the Agatha Christie novel Ten Little Indians—initially cancelled by school administrators after it was called racially insensitive by a local NAACP leader—is back on, but with changes that imply the play will be compromised by political correctness.

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Beyond Bias and Barriers

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Still trying to prove that Larry Summers was wrong when as president of Harvard, he declared that women just don’t go into science, academics are looking for reasons for the trend that differ from his natural explanation and lean toward nurturing theories.

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Politically Correct Donations Only

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The Smithsonian Institution has put on hold a $5 million donation from the American Petroleum Institute over objections from two of the museum complex’s Board of Regents including U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) about accepting money from the oil industry for a project on the world’s oceans.

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