Recent Articles

Outsourcing the U.S. Constitution Part 2

, Accuracy in Academia

Accuracy in Academia featured George Mason University law professor Jeremy Rabkin in a special Constitution Day authors night at the National Press Club on September 17, 2009 answering the question “Are we outsourcing the U. S. Constitution?”

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Outsourcing the U.S. Constitution Part 3

, Accuracy in Academia

Accuracy in Academia featured George Mason University law professor Jeremy Rabkin in a special Constitution Day authors night at the National Press Club on September 17, 2009 answering the question “Are we outsourcing the U. S. Constitution?”

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Outsourcing the U.S. Constitution Part 4

, Accuracy in Academia

Accuracy in Academia featured George Mason University law professor Jeremy Rabkin in a special Constitution Day authors night at the National Press Club on September 17, 2009 answering the question “Are we outsourcing the U. S. Constitution?”

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The Second American Revolution

, Allie Winegar Duzett

“This is the real second American Revolution,” Steve Moore of the Wall Street Journal announced to the applauding audience at the Americans for Prosperity (AFP) Defending the American Dream Summit on October 3, 2009.

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Supreme Court Means Business

, Sarah Carlsruh

In honor of the Supreme Court opening its October 2009 term, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) hosted a panel of law experts on October 2nd to discuss the court’s key, upcoming business cases.

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Leadership Defined Part 1

, Accuracy in Academia

At a time when political leaders seem befuddled at best, American Enterprise Institute scholar Steven F. Hayward discusses two statesmen he has written extensively about—Winston Churchill and Ronald Reagan—at an Accuracy in Academia author’s night in October 2007.

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Leadership Defined Part 2

, Accuracy in Academia

At a time when political leaders seem befuddled at best, American Enterprise Institute scholar Steven F. Hayward discusses two statesmen he has written extensively about—Winston Churchill and Ronald Reagan—at an Accuracy in Academia author’s night in October 2007.

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Classics Resurrected Part 1

, Accuracy in Academia

The best books that students never get assigned anymore were discussed by literary scholar Elizabeth Kantor at an Accuracy in Academia author’s night in August 2007.

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Recent Articles

Black Lives Matter & BDS: Separated at birth?

, Alex Nitzberg

The Movement for Black Lives (a conglomeration comprised of Black Lives Matter and many other groups) recently garnered media attention for releasing an incendiary manifesto. This manifesto includes references to Israel as an “apartheid state”…

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