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Classics Resurrected Part 2

, Accuracy in Academia

The best books that students never get assigned anymore were discussed by literary scholar Elizabeth Kantor at an Accuracy in Academia author’s night in August 2007.

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New York Times and Pravda

, Accuracy in Academia

“I reject the comparison of the New York Times editorial page to Pravda. Pravda actually says something.” – Johns Hopkins prof James Mann, speaking at Cato on August 27, 2009

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Czar of the Schools

, Tony Perkins

The Obama administration is spending precious capital protecting its Safe Schools “czar,” but many believe that loyalty carries more political risk than reward.

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College By… Subscription?

, Bethany Stotts

Is subscription-based online education a successful strategy for remedial education? One entrepreneur argues that “call center” style online courses would prove more affordable for both students and colleges.

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Out of Afghanistan

, Sarah Carlsruh

The Case for Withdrawal from Afghanistan was held at the Cato Institute on September 25th, soon before the October 7th eight-year anniversary of the war in Afghanistan.

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Military Mentality

, Sarah Carlsruh

The American Enterprise Institute (AEI) hosted a conference on September 25th on the mental health of soldiers, specifically the issue of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

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Scowls & Scribes

, Malcolm A. Kline

Robert Novak questioned authority no matter which political party was in power, in columns, books, speeches and television appearances.

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Recent Articles

Democratic National Convention Post-Mortem

, Chris Tremoglie

Any political convention will bring protesters. However, those at the Democratic National Convention might very well take the prize for head-scratching, eye-popping and, most notably, nose-pinching moments. The convention brought some baffling, disturbing sights and…

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The Left’s Grandstanding on Sexual Assault

, Spencer Irvine

In light of the Rolling Stone-University of Virginia libel lawsuit and other rape hoaxes across the U.S., The Women Against VAWA Excess (known as WAVE) issued a brief directed towards Democratic Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and her rhetoric on sexual assaults.

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