Recent Articles

Blasphemy Day Targets Christians

, Susan A. Fani

Billed as a free speech event designed to oppose such things as a Muslim-sponsored U.N. resolution banning criticism of religion, the day has drawn the support of people like PZ Myers, a professor at the University of Minnesota.

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Change Comes to Japan

, Brittany Fortier

Change has come to Japan, according to a panel hosted by the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) on September 2, 2009. On August 30, 2009, the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) was elected to an overwhelming margin, giving them 308 out of 480 seats in the Japanese House of Representatives.

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History Without a Holocaust

, Sarah Carlsruh

Palestinian Hamas leaders flatly refused to allow the United Nations Relief Works Agency (UNRWA) to include references to the Holocaust in a proposed school curriculum change, reported Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) on September 8th.

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Prayer At the Pole

, Liberty Counsel

Today millions of students are celebrating the twentieth annual “See You at the Pole” (“SYATP”) event, where students gather to pray for their school, their community and America.

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Home: Where the Evidence Is

, Allie Winegar Duzett

“A major goal of social science is […] to help policy makers make informed decision. This is especially true of social scientists who study children,” begins an article published in the Fall 2009 edition of The Future of Children.

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The Case For Afghanistan

, Sarah Carlsruh

The U.S. and Britain are in Afghanistan primarily for reasons of national security, said the United Kingdom’s Shadow Secretary of State for Defense, Dr. Liam Fox.

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Recent Articles

Peter Schiff On Inflation and the Fed

, Alex Nitzberg

The Federal Reserve trumpets inflation as a sign of economic growth, but economist and media personality Peter Schiff told AIM that “…it wasn’t always the case that central banks were talking about how great inflation…

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Democrats’ Racist Roots

, Cliff Kincaid

Carol Swain, a professor of political science and law at Vanderbilt University, is one of the stars of Dinesh D’Souza’s new movie, “Hillary’s America,” which examined in detail the historical racism of the Democratic Party….

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The DNC: 5 things to know

, Amanda Florian

What happened Tuesday? Hillary Clinton gained 2,842 delegates Tuesday evening and was officially nominated by the Democratic party. Clinton made history, seeing as she is the first woman to gain that spot. The day’s events…

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