Recent Articles

Shouldering the Burden of War

, Paul Gottfried

About three years ago, when antiwar panels and antiwar sloganeering were the order of the day at my college, I predicted such impassioned protests would end—not when American military involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan was terminated—but when a Democrat, and preferably one on the social left, became president.

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Useless Unions

, Sarah Carlsruh

According to a recent ad campaign sponsored by American Rights at Work, the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) is all about “letting workers choose to join a union to earn better pay and benefits.”

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As Iceland Goes…

, Allie Winegar Duzett

“The Icelandic Meltdown,” by Philipp Bagus and David Howden, published in the August 2009 edition of The Free Market newsletter, takes an in-depth look at Iceland’s current financial crisis.

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Turn Oil into Salt

, Sarah Carlsruh

James Woolsey, Former Director of the CIA, presented insight into the two subjects that invariably define Saudi Arabia, religion and oil.

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Student Loan Shakedown

, Bethany Stotts

On Constitution Day, September 17, the House of Representatives voted 374-75 on an amendment which would ban all federal funding for ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.

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Justifying Homicide?

, Sarah Carlsruh

James Pouillon, an avid pro-life protestor, was killed last Friday, September 11th, while protesting outside Michigan’s Owosso High School.

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Constitution Day Contempt Case

, Liberty Counsel

Tomorrow, Liberty Counsel will be in federal District Court in Pensacola representing the Principal of Pace High School, Frank Lay and Athletic Director Robert Freeman as they face criminal contempt charges for a prayer over a meal. Ironically, tomorrow is National Constitution Day.

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Recent Articles

Still feeling the Bern at the DNC

, Emily Hughes

Although the liberal media is fawning over the Democratic National Convention, it’s hard to ignore the issues surrounding the event. Bernie Sanders supporters turned out in full force at the Democratic National Convention, causing havoc…

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Trump-Sanders Coalition Deconstructed

, Cliff Kincaid

You know the terms “left” and “right” are losing meaning when left-wing websites are praising the Republican presidential candidate and attacking the Democrat, and Russia seems to be intervening in favor of the GOP. The…

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