Recent Articles

Organs for Sale?

, Brittany Fortier

For those in need of a kidney transplant, it can be a difficult journey to find a willing donor. Circumstances have become so desperate for those waiting for a posthumous kidney that they sometimes resort to advertising their need on billboards and websites.

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, Sarah Carlsruh

The Heritage Foundation recently hosted a book release for ConUNdrum: The Limits of the UN and the Search for Alternatives.

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Outsourcing the U.S. Constitution

, Accuracy in Academia

Accuracy in Academia will feature George Mason University law professor Jeremy Rabkin in a special Constitution Day author’s night at the National Press Club on September 17, 2009 from 6-8 PM.

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Judge Denies Mother’s Rights

, Tony Perkins

In a shocking example of
anti-religious (and anti-Christian) bias, a New Hampshire judge, Lucinda
V. Sadler, has ordered a home-schooling mother, Brenda Voydatch, to place
her daughter in public school—largely to expose her to “a variety of
points of view” other than the strong Christian beliefs which both mother
and daughter share.

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More Teachable Moments

, Malcolm A. Kline

The latest poll from the Chronicle of Higher Education shows that conservatives make up only 15 percent of faculty and staff at surveyed colleges and universities while most polls show that more Americans than ever before are identifying themselves as right-leaning.

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Recent Articles

NRA Museum — Preserving History

, Emily Hughes

While the National Rifle Association may be in the headlines for its legislative work, or endorsing presumed Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump, the lesser known work acquiring, displaying and preserving historically significant firearms is a…

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Black Lives Matter: Beyond the Riots

, Malcolm A. Kline

When the African-American police chief of Dallas, David Brown, revealed on July 8, 2016 that the sniper who killed five officers and injured another seven the night before was “upset about Black Lives Matter,” some…

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