Recent Articles

Requiem for China

, Bethany Stotts

Those familiar with the atrocities committed by the Chinese Communist Party are often distressed by the soft treatment given communist leader Mao Tse-Tung, a leader personally responsible for the death of tens of millions.

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Community Organizes for Vouchers

, Anthony Kang

On August 20th, dozens of elementary students and parents gathered in front of the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) in a daytime vigil organized by D.C. Parents for School Choice as part of their SaveThe216 campaign to save the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program (OSP).

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Of Scowls & Scribes

, Malcolm A. Kline

The acknowledgements of the passing of reporter Robert D. Novak last week were appropriately respectful, for the most part, albeit with an occasional backhand. For example, in his column in The Washington Post, Howard Kurtz, in the main, tried to give him his due.

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Staying on Budget

, Brittany Fortier

Many Americans are expressing concerns about deficit spending in Washington, and the call for the government to reform its wasteful ways is being heard at town halls all over the nation.

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Was Galileo Guilty?

, Charles G. Mills

Was the Inquisition court that condemned the
Italian physicist and astronomer Galileo wrong? The answer is complex
rather than a simple “yes” or “no.”

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Recent Articles

Armed and Content

, Emily Hughes

This is one article in the series “Gals with Guns” by Emily Hughes. This series takes a look into a variety of women gun owners, their experiences and the future of gun rights and ownership…

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