Recent Articles

America’s Next Security Front

, Brittany Fortier

As United States Marines begin Operation Eastern Resolve, an air and ground assault on Taliban strongholds in Afghanistan, the Center for American Progress (CAP) hosted an Interagency Team led by Ambassador Richard Holbrooke to discuss an “integrated approach” in dealing with the security challenges in the region.

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Academic Front For PLO

, Alana Goodman

The campus “divestment against Israel” campaign is known for its grassroots, media-grabbing student demonstrations, but was the entire movement actually orchestrated by Palestinian government operatives?

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The Qura’n & the Sharia’h

, Muti-ur Rehman

The very first job I had in my life after the completion of my Masters Degree in Islamic Studies from Karachi University in Pakistan was to teach Islamic Studies to grade 7 students in a private Convent school. Later on, I had the opportunity of teaching Islamiyat to grade 9 & 10 students in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

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Socialized Medicine Under Siege

, Anthony Kang

Tim Phillips, President of Americans For Prosperity, recently spoke at The Heritage Foundation, indicating the great optimism and encouragement about the health care front which conservatives haven’t felt for months.

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When Lucifer Met Satan

, Mytheos Holt

On August 6 the Heritage Foundation convened a panel to discuss the infamous Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact partitioning Europe between the agents of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.

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Goodnight Prince

, Malcolm A. Kline

It contains more useful information
than any journalism textbook we have seen but don’t expect legendary
reporter Robert Novak’s memoirs to become required reading in
communications classes anytime soon.

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Hold that tiger

, Deborah Lambert

If you think your job is difficult, try being a school mascot, and standing around dressed as a cedar tree for a few hours.

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Recent Articles

Black Lives Matter 101

, Malcolm A. Kline

Even before the Dallas rally at which five policemen were killed, BLM community organizers were highly visible on the college lecture circuit and the group itself is increasingly active in formulating curricula from kindergarten to…

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A Requiem for Dallas

, Emily Hughes

On Thursday, 5 police officers in Dallas were shot making it the deadliest day for law enforcement since 9/11. The five officers, Brent Thompson, Patrick Zamarripa, Michael Krol, Lorne Ahrens and Michael Smith all had…

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