Recent Articles

Experimental Living

, Deborah Lambert

A new dorm room policy allowing male and female students to share the same dorm room is gradually becoming more accepted on our nation’s campuses.

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Lawsuit 101

, Deborah Lambert

Today’s college grads have a tough road ahead, and at least one jobless grad has decided to place the blame exactly where she thinks it belongs.

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Blood Brothers in Terror

, Cliff Kincaid

A state Freedom of Information Act request for official information on the foreign travel of University of Illinois Professor Bill Ayers has disclosed trips to Taiwan, Germany, and Amsterdam for “educational” purposes over the last several years, but nothing to Venezuela, which is where we know that he was in 2006, propagandizing for Hugo Chavez.

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Recent Articles

Hillary Clones Being Mass-Produced at UMD

, Cliff Kincaid

She’s now a pro-abortion feminist who panders to the LGBTQ community. But there was a time when Hillary Clinton was a “Goldwater Girl,” named for 1964 Republican presidential candidate Barry Goldwater, and conservative in her…

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Sticking With the States

, Emily Hughes

The 10th Amendment articulates how the Founding Fathers intended the United States government to be run. “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are…

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